There's nothing like getting together with friends and not being afraid to talk everything 'baby'. Whoever invented play dates was genius. Not that I don't enjoy spending time with my 'babyless' friends, but its such a relief to just talk teething, poop and target specials without trying to consciously think of other things to talk about!
(OH a kiss, yeah i'm totally down with that. I'm a pro, really)
Looking at those pictures makes me sad. Because my child looks like a giant :( and to me, she's still my baby girl. Everyday as mothers, we battle through these conflicting emotions. We feel so extremely proud and welcome the first steps, new words, new skills... whilst desperately holding on to those older memories, sounds, smells of a newborn.

(Is he not one of the most cutest baby boys ever!? Little Mr. C.)
She's growing.
And it wont slow down and I can't rewind.

(Squishy face!)
So I try to cherish every little moment while it lasts. Every giggle, every baby talk babble, every tantrum, every snuggle.
I leave you with my homemade pumpkin soup little girl.